[Mailman-Users] bounces of invalid emails don't go to owner?

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Thu May 17 23:49:36 CEST 2007

On 5/17/07, Ricardo Kleemann wrote:

>  I see in my maillog email addresses that are bouncing because they are
>  not valid, and I see mailman handling the bounce score, but the owner
>  does not receive the bounce messages.
>  Is there a way to configure such that the owner does receive these bounces?

The only way I know of is to change the alias so that the bounces go 
both directly to the list owner (or whatever other address you want), 
as well as going into Mailman for processing there.

I'm not sure, but this sort of thing may be detailed in the FAQ.  I'd 
encourage you to search there, as well as searching the archives of 
this list.

If this isn't already addressed in the FAQ, please let us know.

Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>, Consultant & Author
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>
Slides from Invited Talks: <http://tinyurl.com/tj6q4>

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