[Mailman-Users] Spam of sorts

Dragon dragon at crimson-dragon.com
Tue Mar 27 17:12:39 CEST 2007

Barry Finkel wrote:

>I have moved a few lists from Majordomo to Mailman.  The Mailman
>machine is a different machine that the Majordomo machine.  So,
>      list at example.com
>      list at mailman.example.com
>and I added an entry to the alias file on the Majordomo machine
>redirecting mail.  Someone sent mail to
>      list at example.com
>and the mail was received by Mailman but held for approval because
>the list name was not in the "To:" or "Cc:" lines.  I had to change the
>      require_explicit_destination
>parm from "True" to "False" to get around this.  Once all of the
>posters use the new list address, I can remove the alias and change
>this parm back to "True".
---------------- End original message. ---------------------

I think a better choice would be to leave 
require_explicit_destination at True and to add the old list address 
to acceptable_aliases under Privacy Options-> Recipient Filters.

That way you still get the functionality of 
holding/rejecting/discarding those messages without the list address 
in the to: or cc: fields while still passing messages sent to the old address.


  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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