[Mailman-Users] Mm-handler user unknown problem

Kammen van, Marco, Springer SBM NL Marco.vanKammen at springer.com
Tue Mar 20 16:22:27 CET 2007

Dear All,
Red Hat Linux release 9
Mailman 2.1.9
Sendmail 8.12.8
First of all i'm a total sendmail noob so please be nice :-D I've been
scrolling through FAQ's mailinglists etc all day and found many people
have this problem but didn't find a really good solution for this.. Most
problems seem to be related to people forgetting to setup aliases, but
in this case i'm using mm-handler which as far as i understand overrides
the use of aliases and only needs some address in the virtusertable. (if
address doesn't exist in virtusertable then goto mm-handler and get
specific mailinglist address)
I got everything up and running, made the test list, received the mails
from the test list, was able to subscribe people to it using the
webinterface, the newly subscribed people also received the mails.
Problem is when trying to send a mail to the new mailinglist.
550 5.1.1 <testlist at senldogo0013.springer-sbm.com>... User unknown
I followed all the instructions according to the README.mm-handler file.
My handler file looks like this:
-rwxr-xr--    1 mailman  mailman      5951 Mar 20 13:39 mm-handler
The link to mailman:
[root at senldogo0013 mail]# cd /etc/smrsh/
[root at senldogo0013 smrsh]# ll
total 5
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         1024 Mar 20 10:22 .
drwxr-xr-x   50 root     root         4096 Mar 20 15:21 ..
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           31 Mar 20 10:22 mailman ->
The appropriate parts of the sendmail.cf (at least i think these are
only the appropriate ones concerning this problem)
# Mailer table (overriding domains)
Kmailertable hash -o /etc/mail/mailertable.db
# Virtual user table (maps incoming users)
Kvirtuser hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable.db
Mmailman,       P=/etc/mail/mm-handler, F=rDFMhlqSu, U=mailman:mailman,
                S=EnvFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
                A=mm-handler $h $u
Mailertable looks like this:
senldogo0013.springer-sbm.com   mailman:senldogo0013.springer-sbm.com
And the Virtusertable like this:
mailman at senldogo0013.springer-sbm.com
support_smarthost at springer-sbm.com
mailman-owner at senldogo0013.sprinegr-sbm.com
support_smarthost at springer-sbm.com
MAILER-DAEMON at senldogo0013.springer-sbm.com
support_smarthost at springer-sbm.com
postmaster at senldogo0013.springer-sbm.com
support_smarthost at springer-sbm.com
webmaster at senldogo0013.springer-sbm.com
support_smarthost at springer-sbm.com
abuse at senldogo0013.springer-sbm.com
support_smarthost at springer-sbm.com
root at senldogo0013.springer-sbm.com
support_smarthost at springer-sbm.com
When sending a test message to either of the above mentioned addresses
works which indicates that the virtusertable file is active and working.
When trying to send a test message to a invalid or valid mailinglist
address i get the user unknown message back from sendmail and not the
error message i'm expecting from the mm-handler which indicates to me
that sendmail isn't properly seeing the mm-handler.
My main concern is the sendmail.cf, i first edited the os delivered
sendmail.mc file did some cut pasting from the mailman.mc file then
generated the sendmail.cf file using the proper m4 method. Maybe someone
can give me a basic sendmail.cf which can be easily used for the basic
mail & mailman functionality cause the mailman.mc file which comes with
the package can't be used cause that one gives lots of errors. 
Thanks for the help!
Marco van Kammen
Unix / Exchange System Manager 
Floor Manager / Postmaster
Van Godewijckstraat 30 | 3311 GX
Office Number: 05E21 
P.O. Box 17 | 3300 AA
Dordrecht | The Netherlands 	
tel	 +31 (0) 78 657 6446	
fax	 +31 (0) 78 657 6302	
Marco.vanKammen at springer.com
www.springer.com <http://www.springer.com/>  

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