[Mailman-Users] header

Paul Tomblin ptomblin at xcski.com
Wed Mar 7 16:10:17 CET 2007

Quoting Gerson Rino Prantl Oaida (gerson at cnpf.embrapa.br):
> Hi,
> I have the mailman with freebsd and postfix.
> My hostname is "host.domain.com", and the list is 
> "list at host.domain.com", but I want "list at domain.com".
> I can´t remove de host of header.

Try sending email from that host without using mailman (but not as root).
If it's still putting host.domain.com, then you need to make the following
changes to your /etc/postfix/main.cf (this will look a lot like the
message I sent a few hours ago):

mydomain = domain.com
myorigin = $mydomain
masquerade_domains = $mydomain
masquerade_exceptions = webmaster, root

Paul Tomblin <ptomblin at xcski.com> http://blog.xcski.com/
In an experiment to determine the precise amount of beer required to enjoy
this film, I passed out.
              -- Dave O'Brien, on "Highlander II"

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