[Mailman-Users] Complete List...

Jeff Shepherd jeffs at tolisgroup.com
Fri Jun 8 19:48:15 CEST 2007

I'm relatively new to Mailman (switching from ezmlm) and I'm curious  
if there is a way (outside of the command line) if you can view a  
listing of a complete list to be able to print it for hard copy  
reasons, so that you don't have to print 26 different ones?

I figured out how to do that in the command line (/usr/lib/mailman/ 
bin/list_memers [listname]) but most of the company management  
doesn't know the command line and I'm trying to take the step of them  
having to go through me to export the list in the command line and  
give them the ability to do it themselves.

Thanks for the help!


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