[Mailman-Users] using mailman for newsletter

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Wed Jan 3 23:08:57 CET 2007

Manlio Perillo wrote:
>What params can be specified with msg_header and footer?

>From the help for msg_header:

Text prepended to the top of every immediately-delivery message. This
text can include Python format strings which are resolved against list
attributes. The list of substitutions allowed are:

    * real_name - The "pretty" name of the list; usually the list name
with capitalization.
    * list_name - The name by which the list is identified in URLs,
where case is significant.
    * host_name - The fully qualified domain name that the list server
runs on.
    * web_page_url - The base URL for Mailman. This can be appended
with, e.g. listinfo/%(list_name)s to yield the listinfo page for the
mailing list.
    * description - The brief description of the mailing list.
    * info - The full description of the mailing list.
    * cgiext - The extension added to CGI scripts. 

When personalization is enabled for this list, additional substitution
variables are allowed in your headers and footers:

    * user_address - The address of the user, coerced to lower case.
    * user_delivered_to - The case-preserved address that the user is
subscribed with.
    * user_password - The user's password.
    * user_name - The user's full name.
    * user_optionsurl - The url to the user's option page. 

The same substitutions apply to msg_footer.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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