[Mailman-Users] Auto-reject non-member messages?

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Sat Feb 24 06:32:34 CET 2007

At 11:53 AM -0800 2/23/07, Mark Sapiro wrote:

>  Yes. I send spam to your list spoofing joe at example.com as the sender.
>  You send a reject message to joe at example.com which has my original
>  spam attached. Poor joe receives my spam from you - not a good thing.

Yes, but Mailman will only send one rejection notice per day to a 
given sender, regardless of how many messages were originally 
submitted to Mailman.  So, while Mailman can be used to help Joe Job 
someone, it cannot be used as a Joe Job amplifier.

This is why I say that it's better to Reject as opposed to Discard.

>  The best practice is to filter spam ahead of Mailman so as little spam
>  as possible even gets to Mailman.


Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>, Consultant & Author
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>
Slides from Invited Talks: <http://tinyurl.com/tj6q4>

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