[Mailman-Users] Changing the From: address...

Dan Brown danb at zu.com
Thu Dec 20 16:56:48 CET 2007

I've got a bunch of mail lists on a server which are all announcement only
On all of these lists the "From:" address is like how it is on the
mailman-users list.
It'll show up like:
mailman-users-bounces+danb at zu.com@python.org on behalf of "Some User
[su at wackedout.net]"

Now I know everything from "on behalf of..." onward is due to my mail client
and not the list.  I would like the emails to be showing as coming from
either just:

eg. mailman-users at python.org on behalf of "Some User [su at wackedout.net]"
eg. mailman-users-bounces at python.org on behalf of "Some User
[su at wackedout.net]"

Now while there is the "anonymous_list" option, this looks as though it will
remove everything so it would just show up as:

eg. mailman-users at python.org

I'm unsure what to call this and the personalization options don't seem to
be what I want either but I am playing around with a test list to figure out
what option is the correct one to do this.

Can someone fast-track me to it?

Dan Brown
danb at zu.com

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