[Mailman-Users] 550 User Unknown when trying to post to mailman/sendmail list

Melick Andy melick.andy at ncocc.k12.oh.us
Wed Aug 1 15:39:35 CEST 2007

I setup mailman without any issues "I think". I also have configured sendmail to work with mailman. I followed the directions by David Champion to integrate these two applications. I can telnet and my sendmail server seems to be responding fine as well as I can create email lists in the mailman web interface. 
Im confused at this point from the directions. I do not understand how mailman interacts with sendmail. I do not have anything in my virtusertable and my mm-handler is default. I have compiled my mailman.mc as sendmail.cf and put it in the "working dir". How does mailman create the sendmail users or does it use an alias for all of the lists?
All I get is unknown user when I try to send to my lists.
Any help would be great

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