[Mailman-Users] Subscription Help

Dave Kall dkall at pasco.k12.fl.us
Wed Apr 11 20:23:12 CEST 2007

I'm trying to write a script to add users through the url address:  
Seems that this should work.

The address I have is like:

opts_btn=Submit Your Changes

My school system will not allow mail to travel beyond our mail server  
inside the  firewall. So users can't email my list server from  
outside the firewall. Thus I need to automate  the collection of  
users and do an import and then modify their settings.

I want to automate the process; thus I'm down to adding users through  
the URL.

If someone has a way to automate the submit button that would work  
too; but I'm finding that all the more diffiucult.

I already tried to simply replace subscribees=&subscribees_upload  
with address' and that didn't seem to work.

I do thank you for any time any of you might invest in this riddle.

Dave Kall
Technology Specialist

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