[Mailman-Users] sending mail delaying long time.

Seang Chan Ryu ryu at cse.sc.edu
Thu Sep 21 20:46:04 CEST 2006

I am new to the mailman software. If anybody can help me help this 
problem and where to look for the information. I will really appreciate 

I send an to the list, but it takes 30 to 40 minutes to deliver the mail.
The list is not long. (10-15 people)
Here is the smtp log

Sep 21 10:26:07 2006 (445) <mailman.36.1158843935.443.masrg at cse.sc.edu> 
smtp for 2 recips, completed in 0.622 seconds

The time it was sent was 9:40 though.
It seem there are a lot of entries in smtp-failure at the same time but 
non of email in smtp-failure log in not on the list.

I use postfix and mailman.
I am sorry that I couldn't be more specific. If somebody can guide me at 
least what to examin, I will really appreciate that.

Seangchan Ryu

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