[Mailman-Users] Using the inject message command

Jack Stone antennex at swbell.net
Thu Sep 21 03:01:54 CEST 2006

As a new user, I have most everything tuned well, thanks a lot to this list and of course the excellent program itself.
  One thing I have yet to find a good way to do is the use of the inject command for sending out a message from the command line. Nothing mysterious about the command, but my efforts do not produce my objective based on the various ways I tried.
  I need this ability because we receive messages from our "Question Manager" about some technical question. If we cannot answer from within, we send the question to the tech list containing some 2000+ experts. Usually an answer (or several) is/are received within minutes to hours.
  In my old list program majordomo, I could format the question using the sender's info and inject it into the list and it looked as it was originally received directly from the sender and the info pluged into the body of the "injection" would all show as the header.
  Try that with MM shows everything in the body, including the stuff meant for the header. Here's the template I used for majordomo. Perhaps anyone having used majordomo as well as MM will know of what I ask:
  From aperson at there.net  date
Received: (routing info)
From: aperson at there.net
To: mylist at example.dom
Subject: A Tech Question
  Hello.  I'm just writing to
consume some bandwidth and
take up space in your mail
The Saint

Best regards,
Jack L. Stone

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