[Mailman-Users] One email that won't go through on my Mailman Listserv...

Justin Williams justin_williams at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 20 22:28:32 CEST 2006

I have been using mailman as an announcement only email list (one way traffic from only a few email addresses).  

While the list works well on almost all occasions, I've encountered one email that I forward to the list that will not ever show up, no matter what I've tried to do.  

The email itself was an HTML formatted (mostly text, but one embedded image) originally forwarded from my Outlook Express email software.

After forwarding the email initially, it never showed up (not emailed back to my account, via mailman... not appearing as an archived message like all other successful emails, etc).

I've since tried resending and/or retying and resending the contents of the email an about a dozen (literally) different ways.

* Kept the HTML, but removed the image
* Forwarded the image only, deleted the text
* Reworded the subject-line
* Reworded the text in the email
* Stripped all formatting (by copy/pasting the text from the email into notepad) and resending
* Stripped all formatting (by copy/pasting the text from the email into notepad) and resending as text-only
* Stripped all formatting (by copy/pasting the text from the email into notepad) and resending using webmail tool rather than OE
* Contacted my domain host to help troubleshoot using almost all the above as well

No matter what I've done, this email (and only this email) is failing as it's being sent to the mailman list.  I've sent about 8 other emails (with varying complexity, formatting, HTML, images, etc) to the list and each goes through, but this one email is somehow stuck being rejected... even if I reword much of the email.

Does anyone have any ideas about what to do with this?\

Please help, THANKS!

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