[Mailman-Users] Sendmail mailer in Python?

Guy..Lister lister at cybdyn.com
Fri Sep 15 05:37:35 CEST 2006

Am I missing something?  Having recently installed Mailman 2.1.8, verified that it works, applied the exitstatus patch, again verified that it works, now I try to finish off the installation by automating the newaliases task for each newly created list by applying the patch, 
[ 644810 ] Sendmail mailer in Python, 
at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=644810&group_id=103&atid=300103 
I've read that it is no longer supported.  I've searched far and wide for threads that pick up where it left off.  Is there any way to ressurrect this thread of "completely" automating Mailman?  

Specifically, on my Linux (RHN 8.0, Sendmail 8.12, Python 2.4.3) ppsys's installation instructions fail when I try to patch sendmail's proto.m4.  Should I just assume that on my version of Sendmail mailertable works and I can ignore his instruction to patch proto.m4?

Or is there some bigger picture I'm missing with respect to using this Sendmail mailer in Python?

Thanks in advance.

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