[Mailman-Users] Subject Line on Invite Messages

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Tue Sep 12 20:12:27 CEST 2006

At 12:57 PM -0500 2006-09-12, <Jimmy.do at omicron-lab.com> wrote:

>  Hi Brad, Sorry to bother again.  We have looked through the Defaults.py and
>  perform searches on the Internet and tried different options in the
>  mm_cfg.py, including the one in the
>  http://www.list.org/mailman-install/node36.html.  We are still getting the
>  generic subject line (confirm aad5624d316c46234928426cb4a6c57c691d0e7c) for
>  list subscription confirmation email.

That documentation node is specific to qmail.  I don't recall -- are 
you using qmail or some other MTA?

>  Several questions we also have are:
>  1. Does Mailman automatically subsitute the "Subject:" with a friendly one
>  when VERP_CONFIRMATIONS is set to Yes.

With all the appropriate VERP and personalization stuff turned on, I 
believe it does.  But, as you've discovered, this is dependant on 
which specific version of Mailman you're using, and if you're not 
seeing this in 2.1.5, then I'd suggest you upgrade.  In fact, since 
there were security holes in 2.1.5, I'd suggest you upgrade anyway.

Recently, there have been security holes found in 2.1.8, which is why 
we're working on getting 2.1.9 out the door as quickly as possible. 
There is a 2.1.9rc1 tarball that is already available, and if you're 
going to be doing an upgrade anyway, you might as well jump to the 
latest source that is believed to be reasonably secure.

>  2. Where does Mailman get the friendly subject line?

It builds it internally.

>  3. Is there something special we need to set in the Qmail configuration?

I'm not 100% certain how all this plays out in the qmail environment, 
but I believe that at least these parts should work the same no 
matter what -- assuming you're using the right version of Mailman.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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