[Mailman-Users] Rebuilding list archive crashed?

Andy andyk at spunge.org
Sat Sep 9 01:22:54 CEST 2006


I was rebuilding list archive, and during that process something
stuck, and the process has not ended.

I tried to restart it:
/var/list/bin/arch --wipe listname

but it seems to be hung up from start now.

(archive has been wiped though before it hung for the first time, because
there is nothing on WWW).

I do not know how to unblock it.

Can you please suggest what is the reason of that problem?
Which process to kill to unstuck it?

I am not server admin therefore I do not normally do such things, however
admin has given me recently access to mailman group, so I should be able to do
it myself. I need some hints from you though. Thank you.

I hope to hear from you ASAP.


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