[Mailman-Users] GPL Issues (was Re: query re "message has implicit destination"(devils advocate!))

Bretton Vine bretton at hivemind.net
Fri Sep 1 17:47:39 CEST 2006

Dragon said the following on 2006/09/01 05:29 PM:
> Have you actually read the GPL?
> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt

yes plus variations ;-)

> There is such an obligation explicitly defined in it within section 3
> that states that source code of any derivative work MUST be provided
> either as part of the actual distribution of the work or upon request to
> ANY third party that requests it. 

Yes, but that's not what I said. I said there was no obligation to send
changes back to original developers, but that it was polite to do so.
Obviously, if the original developers ask for the changes then yes, but if
they've failed to do so there is no obligation.
(The feedback appears to indicate that they have asked however)

In fact I can take GPL code, modify it and use it internally without either
the original developers or any third party knowing I've done so. I'm under
zero obligation to inform anyone of my actions or changes. If however I
start distributing the changed code it must be done so under the same
licence, and upon request I must make the source available.

There is no obligation for me to indicate what I changed from an original
code base (code or docs) only an obligation for me to provide the source
*on request*.

Manners imply shipping the compiled product with source, but it's not
necessary or necessarily a rule followed by everyone.

> Thus by either passively ignoring or actively refusing requests for
> source, Apple, Plesk and CPanel are in direct violation of the GPL.

Ok, then any person is welcome to contact those organisations and request
the source. If they fail to provide it you can take the matter up with the
relevant people at the FSF.


(well technically only copyright holders can do so)

| Bretton Vine | 083 633 8475 | bretton at hivemind.net |
| GPG: http://bretton.hivemind.net/bretton_vine.asc  |

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