[Mailman-Users] Mailman working, but very slow delivery of posted mails

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Fri Sep 1 17:09:53 CEST 2006

At 5:04 PM +0200 2006-09-01, Ralf Hildebrandt quoted maltokyo at gmail.com:

>>  When I am sending mails to the list from any other smtp server than my
>>  isp's (from webmail etc), the delivery is instant!
>>  However, when I send a mail from my isp's smtp server (which is the
>>  same smtp that postfix is using to send all mails that are posted to
>>  my list), then delivery takes about 1 hour!!
>  You ISPs mailserver could have a huge queue, thus delivery may take
>  VERY long.

I would hope that the situation is that simple.

The other problem is that the ISP might be incompetent, and the 
queues are relatively small but very poorly managed, and the result 
is that the messages are delayed a long time -- but for no good 

Either way, it sounds like you need to talk to your ISP about this 
problem, because they're the only ones that are going to be able to 
help you.  The only other alternative is to find a different provider.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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