[Mailman-Users] How to move a list from 2.1.2

Carl Zwanzig cpz at tuunq.com
Mon Oct 30 17:56:05 CET 2006

In a flurry of recycled electrons, Jon Forrest wrote:

> Maybe I'm old fashioned, but building from source can sometimes
> be a good way to go here. It's not very hard, and you learn more
> about the package you're building. This can help a lot of something
> goes wrong because then you don't see the program as a closed box.

I suppose that I'm also rather 'old-fashioned" in that my preferred 
installation is from source, followed by using bsd ports. I've always 
found that using RPMs annoyed me. Either I have to go back and add missing 
dependancies, I don't know where things are installed, or the build options 
are wrong.  (Even on linux, I try to use original sources, not SRPMs.)

And as Jon said, you can learn quite a bit about what you're installing
just by installing it. I mean, how many people that install from RPMs
even know that there might be a README file to read, let along to and 
find it?

You could try installing freebsd instead of linux. Once the base OS
is installed, doing postfix (or exim) and mailman is quite easy.


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