[Mailman-Users] Users subscribe with their emails being classified in the Subject field

Starkey, Joel Joel.Starkey at dcita.gov.au
Wed Oct 25 01:51:30 CEST 2006

Many of our subscribers cannot reply to the confirmation email to
confirm their subscription/unsubscription as their emails are being
classified on the way out of their email gateway. This is occurring in
both Government and Industry associations. I have seen these in various
format which have included:


Subject: confirm f901053f30c0fe1b3050899370ed960e6303a68e

Subject: confirm

Subject: [SEC:UNCLASSIFIED]confirm

Subject: Unclassified - confirm f901053f30c0fe1b3050899370ed960e6303a68e


Has anyone come across this before and does anybody have a fix for this
so Mailman accepts and processes the confirmation. As currently if this
occurs mailman returns an "unprocessed" email.


Many thanks




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