[Mailman-Users] Lost emails

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Sat Oct 14 01:53:05 CEST 2006

Mark Sapiro wrote:

>Larry Rosenman wrote:
>>[root at gothamweb01 fredslist]# /usr/lib/mailman/bin/dumpdb config.pck |grep
>>                   'judie at PromotionalSolutions.biz': 0,
>>[root at gothamweb01 fredslist]#

Don't do what I suggested in my prior reply if the above is a true
representation of the output from the command. If
'judie at PromotionalSolutions.biz' is a list member, in addition to
being in the 'members' dictionary, her address should also appear in
the 'language', 'passwords', user_options' and possibly the
'usernames' dictionaries. If it is only in the 'members' dictionary,
it should just be deleted, so see below

>>How can I delete this easily when all the tricks on that page fail with the
>>not a member.....
>shell prompt# bin/withlist -l fredslist
>Loading list fredslist (locked)
>The variable `m' is the fredslist MailList instance
>>>> del m.members['judie at PromotionalSolutions.biz']

Do do the above line, but do not do the line below.

>>>> m.members['judie at promotionalsolutions.biz'] = 0

after skipping the line above, do the rest.

>>>> m.Save()
>>>>             (enter a control-D here)
>Unlocking (but not saving) list: fredslist
>shell prompt# 

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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