[Mailman-Users] Display of Names in Moderator Subscription ApprovalRequest Emails

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Sat Oct 7 20:31:55 CEST 2006

Jerry Hole wrote:

>I have a private list set up that requires moderator approval. List 
>members are approved based upon who they are. Their email is not enough 
>to determine their identity. How can I get the name of those requesting 
>subscription approval to show up in the moderator emails?

You would need to add for example a %(fullname)s replacement to the
subauth.txt template for the list (see
and you would need to change this code fragment in
Mailman/ListAdmin.py from

            text = Utils.maketext(
                {'username'   : addr,
                 'listname'   : self.internal_name(),
                 'hostname'   : self.host_name,
                 'admindb_url': self.GetScriptURL('admindb',
                 }, mlist=self)


            text = Utils.maketext(
                {'username'   : addr,
                 'fullname'   : fullname,
                 'listname'   : self.internal_name(),
                 'hostname'   : self.host_name,
                 'admindb_url': self.GetScriptURL('admindb',
                 }, mlist=self)

i.e., add the

                 'fullname'   : fullname,


Perhaps a simpler method is to just publicize that the way to subscribe
to the list is to send an email to an appropriate address with a
request including who you are, whether you want messages or digests,
etc., and then the appropriate person can mass subscribe or invite the

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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