[Mailman-Users] Mailman not archiving

stupidmail4me stupidmail4me at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 6 21:23:46 CEST 2006

I'm running Mailman-2.1.8p0 on an OpenBSD 3.9 box. I
have everything set up correctly (I've installed
successfully using older versions on older versions of
OpenBSD) as far as I can see. Mail is sending through
the lists appropriately, but it's not archiving at
all. I've checked Defaults.py and mm_cfg.py and the
list's configuration options and they're all set to
archive. I've checked permissions in
/var/spool/archive/* and they appear to be fine (if I
give _mailman a shell I can create files).

Has anyone successfully installed the package on
OpenBSD or had similar problems? Any ideas will help
as I'm all out of them.

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