[Mailman-Users] Upgrading from 2.1.5 to 2.1.9

Ivan Fetch ifetch at du.edu
Tue Nov 21 10:35:33 CET 2006

Hi Brad,
On Wed, 8 Nov 2006, Brad Knowles wrote:

> At 3:55 PM -0700 11/8/06, Ivan Fetch wrote:
>>     I'm wondering whether anyone has experience they'd like to share going
>>  directly from 2.1.5 to 2.1.9 -- anything to be aware of in terms of the
>>  upgrade process or user experiences (meaning list administrators and
>>  members)?
> I recently did the upgrade from 2.1.5 to 2.1.9 for the NTP Public Services 
> Project at ntp.isc.org.  It really was this simple:
> 	1.  Stop the web server (apache)
> 	2.  Stop postfix
> 	3.  Stop Mailman
> 	4.  As root, do "cd /usr/ports/mail/mailman/; make install"
> 	5.  Start Mailman
> 	6.  Start postfix
> 	7.  Start the web server
> 	8.  Check everything to see that it all appears to be working
> 		correctly.
> Of course, I actually used the FreeBSD port system to install Mailman as 
> opposed to installing from source, but the concept is the same. And this is 
> no guarantee that things will be this clean for you.

    Thanks for your reply - I've done a test upgrade with a copy of our 
production 2.1.5 install on another box.  I moved some directories around 
(we're also reorganizing some storage), ran configure with the appropriate 
--prefix option, cleaned out data/qfiles so people wouldn't get deliveries 
from the tes install, and everything started up fine.  Now we're testing 
2.1.9 (although the real test is when folks begin using the 860 lists).



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