[Mailman-Users] How does mailman/mail/wrapper get created?

Brad Knowles brad at shub-internet.org
Fri Nov 3 08:37:04 CET 2006

At 5:57 PM -0700 10/25/06, Jon Ferraiolo wrote:

>  Looking at my installation, there is no mail/main/wrapper file.

That file only exists for Mailman 2.0.x.

>                                                                   Should
>  there be one?

Did you install Mailman 2.0.x?  If so, why?

Assuming you installed something more recent (like 2.1.9, which is 
the current version), then this program won't exist and any leftover 
aliases you may have from a previous 2.0.x installation won't work 
correctly.  In that case, the aliases need to be updated to work 
correctly with Mailman 2.1.x, as detailed in the instructions.

>                 Should it have been created by "make install" or is this
>  something that needs to be created manually?

I think you've probably got some sort of disconnect between your 
aliases and the program that was installed, but exactly why you have 
this situation is not clear.

Brad Knowles, <brad at shub-internet.org>

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