[Mailman-Users] (no subject)

Everett Johnson ev at dbclist.com
Tue May 23 04:07:49 CEST 2006

Today I created several email lists.  On all of them, when I send a 
message to the list (which I am subscribed to) I get the message with 
the correct "To:" and "From:" headers, but the "Sender;" header is set 
to listname-bounces at mydomain.com.  For example if the list is 
mylist at mydomain.com, "Sender:" on any received messages is set to: 
mylist-bounces at mydomain,com.  The message body is correct and To and 
 From are correct.

How can I correct this.

Many thanks.
Everett Johnson
NOTE:* Please do not send my email address to ANY company without my 
explicit permission. For example, DO NOT use it to send me a greeting 
card, news article, or anything thing else that will be emailed to me by 
someone other than you. Doing so has made my old evjohn.com domain name 
entirely unusable, and consumed many hours of time in recovering from 
the situation. Thanks.

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