[Mailman-Users] Unable to post to announcement only list I havesetup

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Mon Mar 20 18:35:36 CET 2006

Jody Cleveland wrote:
>I've got a list setup where I only want moderators to be able to post to
>the list. I've got 5 addresses setup as moderators, but when I use one
>to post to the list, I get a bounce message:
>We're sorry, this is an announcement only list. We were unable to post
>your message.

Putting an address in the list of moderators only results in that
address receiving notifications. It doesn't give that address any
special privileges. See FAQ articles 3.27 and 3.60.

>Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

>I know it must just be a setting I'm missing somewhere. Any ideas what
>may be wrong with my setup?

Are your moderators list members?

You basically have two choices for posting to your list, one of which
is much more secure than the other. See FAQ articles 3.11 and 3.34.

The insecure choice is to have the authorized posters be unmoderated
list members, but this is subject to spoofing.

The secure way is for the authorized posters to know the moderator (or
admin) list password and to put

Approved: password

either as an actual header in the post or as the first non-blank line
of the first text/plain part of the message. Note that if this line is
the first line of the body and the post is multipart/alternative,
prior to Mailman 2.1.7 the line would not be removed from the
alternative parts.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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