[Mailman-Users] Virtual Host and Web Interface

George Booth G.Booth at usm.edu
Fri Mar 10 19:46:05 CET 2006

This issue has now been resolved. Thank you, Mark, for your friendly 


George Booth     iTech System Administrator
G.Booth at usm.edu
University of Southern Mississippi
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "George Booth" <G.Booth at usm.edu>
To: <mailman-users at python.org>
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 10:17 AM
Subject: [Mailman-Users] Virtual Host and Web Interface

I'm having a "small" problem at the moment trying to get Mailman configured
for a virtual host. Here's our situation:

Mailman resides on our mail server. In an attempt to help I/O on the mail
server, we put our webmail on a seperate server. Thus, web requests that
would have gone to the main mail server, mail.server.com (not the real FQDN)
now go to webmail.server.com

This of course broke the Mailman web interface, since it still resides on
mail.server.com, where it is redirected to the other server. In an attempt
to correct this, our consultant decided to put a virtual domain on
mail.server.com called mailman.server.com. Going directly to
mailman.server.com/mailman/admin/list-name pulls up the main page of the
list with no problem. However, all links on the page revert back to
mail.server.com, thus web management is impossible for my users. Changing
the url in the address bar to mailman.server.com as the base works, but I
can't ask my users, many of whom barely know how to operate a mouse, to do
this each time they want to click a link in the web interface.

I've changed the DEFAULT_URL_HOST in the mm_cfg.py to mailman.server.com,
which should change everything, at least as far as I've followed in the
documentation...but it doesn't. I've tried putting mailman.server.com in the
VIRTUAL_HOSTS = {} entry in mm_cfg.py, but that breaks everything and puts
up the nice "Mailman has found a bug!" page.

Am I missing something vital to change this? I thought this might also be an
apache configuration problem, but the administrator of the box has been
looking into it, but apparently has found nothing yet.

The server is running RedHat Linux AS3 Update 6.

I do have to wonder if the values for urlhost and hostname aren't being
updated correctly; and, if not, where do I set this information if not with

Thanks in advance for any insight.


George Booth     iTech System Administrator
G.Booth at usm.edu
University of Southern Mississippi

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