[Mailman-Users] 1 email for multiple email-list recipients onsame server?

Matt England mengland at mengland.net
Thu Mar 9 17:27:41 CET 2006

At 3/9/2006 10:20 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>Now suppose it finds listb and listc in those headers. It would then
>have to look at the members of those lists and see if the current
>delivery candidate is a member of one of those lists, has delivery
>enabled on that list and is receiving messages and not digests from
>that list.


>  And then if it did all those things and decided not to
>deliver, presumably listb and listc would do the same thing and not
>deliver either and the user would receive 0 emails.

...and this seems to be the trickiest part: which list becomes the 
"primary" one.  I can envision straightforward (even though they are not 
easy to implement solutions) to everything except this last point.  :(

>for some ideas about how to build unduplicated 'super lists' that can
>be used to post to the members of more than one list.

Thanks for the reference, that's very helpful.


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