[Mailman-Users] Virtual Domain / Postfix

Eduardo Meyer dudu.meyer at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 19:16:27 CEST 2006


I am willing to configure Virtual Domains in Postfix, and followed
documentation available at:


Other than correctly configuring Postfix and mm_cfg.py with
POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = pointing all my virtual domains, I
also added

add_virtualhost('www.XX.domain', 'XX.domain')

To mm_cfg.py after I tried without it. And in both cases (with and
without) I didn't work.

When I try to add a list which already exists in the main domain,
mailman states this list already exists. I am trying to create it via

Created the first list on:


And want to create the second on


Mailman Web interface does not distinguishes that it is a different
domain (a subdomain in fact).

What am I missing? Is there a better documentation than the above
mentioned to try before asking for help?

Thank you a lot.

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