[Mailman-Users] Bug or

Prasanta Baruah prasanta.baruah at gmail.com
Mon Jul 17 11:55:13 CEST 2006

Hello all,
We have mailman installed in our machine and that has been working
fine. Recently there was a post in our list regarding a certain topic
and what seemed interesting to me is that the mail was dated 16th July
18:34:39 hrs, on the daily digest while on the archives it appeared on
the 17th July 00:04:39 hrs. I checked the server's system date also
which is fine. Now the question is how come the same mail have two
dates. Is it because of the timezone set by the user or there is some
bug in mailman? I ran through this list archives and found out that
there are archives for dates which are far in the future. Is this a
bug or what?


:-) [ Life was a funny thing that happened to me on the way to the grave ] (-:

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