[Mailman-Users] mailman minimal (memory) requirements?

Timo Schoeler timo.schoeler at riscworks.net
Mon Jul 3 23:05:41 CEST 2006

thus Tomasz Chmielewski spake:
> Brad Knowles wrote:
>> Carl Zwanzig wrote:
>>>>> I'm trying to run mailman 2.1.8 on a system with only 32 MB RAM (and
>>>>> ~100 MB swap).
>>>> So, at an absolute minimum, this machine would require ~236MB swap space
>>>> and ~56MB of real RAM, plus the OS requirements.  Given these numbers, I
>>>> wouldn't try to run Mailman on a machine with less than 512MB of swap
>>>> and 128MB of RAM.
>>> FWIW, I'm running mailman on an openbsd system w/ 64M ram and 200M swap
>>> on an old Compaq P90.  Active software includes mailman (2.1.5), apache,
>>> postfix, and bind.  Not very speedy, but works well enough for <50 member
>>> lists.
>> Cool.  I'll update the FAQ entry with this info.
>>> top tells me:
>>> Memory: Real: 23M/47M act/tot  Free: 11M  Swap: 41M/200M used/tot
> You can update it with "really minimal system": I added some more swap, 
> and mailman started :)
> So right now, it is:
> - debian running on a 200 MHz mipsel CPU / 32 MB router (ASUS WL-500G 
> deluxe)
> - usb stick with 256 MB swap
> - system on another USB-stick
> - it runs apache2, postfix, sshd, openvpn, ez-ipupdate, crond, pppd and 
> syslog
> - it acts as a internet gateway to a couple of PCs
> I wouldn't say that mailman is speedy there - an average operation in 
> the mailman web interface can take even 10-15-20 seconds.

hm, that might be python causing paging on the machine; however, maybe 
if you use a httpd with smaller footprint (lighthttpd, thttpd) this 
avoids paging and makes the machine faster. just speculation, tho...

> But the thing that was the most important to me: web archive, works 
> fast, and on average, it takes less than a second to serve a page.
> Provided that it's not a PC, but a router with a size of a book, with 
> filesystem and swap on usb-sticks, I would say it's OK to keep an 
> archive of a small site.

MIPS rules ;)

Timo Schoeler | http://riscworks.net/~tis | timo.schoeler at riscworks.net
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