[Mailman-Users] New Install

Troy Buffum tmbuff77 at iowatelecom.net
Sun Jul 2 01:50:16 CEST 2006

Hi Everyone,
    I'm new to the group, and this is my first post.  In trying to determine 
wheather or not I can install Mailman on my hosting service, I've been 
speaking with their tech support.  One thing they told me was, "Anything 
that requires SSH to performa an install, will not be supported."
    I'm not really sure what SSH means.  I'm new to web hosting, and using 
servers.  But, a previous provider I had, used Mailman, which was already 
installed for each of their users.  So, I'm looking to use it again.  If 
someone can help with this, I'd greatly appreciate it.
   Thanks, Troy
PS:    The service I'm using is Webmasters.com, at www.webmasters.com. 

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