[Mailman-Users] Verifying posts

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 28 19:40:19 CET 2006

Hi all,

I've been looking into TMDA (http://tmda.net) and got to wondering if 
something like this (or a subset of it) should be incorporated into Mailman.

Here's my line of thinking:

What if Mailman had a means, similar to the current subscription 
verification process, to verify postings to a given list.  For instance, 
after a user subscribes to a list and verifies their subscription, on 
their first post they receive an email asking them to verify their 
intention to post to the list.  Subsequently, after XX days of no 
activity, they would be asked to re-verify their intention to post. 
It's sort of a means of self-moderation with the sole intention of 
having the user periodically validate their intention.

The user would see text like this:

   "Hi!  This is the Mailman system at blah.com.  We received your
    email for list at blah.com but we noticed that you've never posted
    here before.  Prior to processing your email, we ask that you
    click the URL below to verify that this is your intention."

Alternate Text:

   "Hi!  This is the Mailman system at blah.com.  We received your
    email for list at blah.com but we noticed that you haven't posted
    here in the past XX days. Prior to processing your email, we
    ask that you click the URL below to verify that this is your

Why do this?  Well, over time very large lists collect lots of email 
addresses and some end up in "nomail" state for various reasons (not all 
entirely clear unless the list started post MM 2.0).  Admins are faced 
with leaving the addresses or manually trying to contact all the users 
to establish the reason for the nomail state.  Needless to say, few 
really do this.  So systems wind up having large numbers of email 
addresses pre-approved to post to a given list even though they probably 
never will ... at least until a spammer starts using their email address.

This seems to me like a good fit, albeit entirely perfect, for Mailman? 

-Jim P.

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