[Mailman-Users] Questions Regarding Command Line Commands

Mark Phillips phillipsmarkw at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 25 17:37:22 CET 2006

Please excuse this (potential) double post. My ISP is
blocked from posting to this list, so I am trying
again from a yahoo account. Sometimes I can get
through from my ISP, other times not. So I am trying
again! :(

I have a mysql database with names and email addresses
for our little league. 
I wrote a python scrip to pull the names and email
addresses from our 
database and put them into groups for each team in
each division. I want to 
bulk load these email addresses into mailman and
create mailing lists for 
each team in each division. I know I can do this from
the web interface, but 
I would rather do it from my python script (we have
over 90 teams!). 

I have seen the documentation on what the command line
commands are, but I am not sure how to issue those
commands from a python script.

Thank for any help you can provide!

Mark Phillips
VP Softball
Arcadia Little League
mark at phillipsoasis.com
602 524-0376

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