[Mailman-Users] broken mbox files: No blank lines before "From"

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Sun Jan 22 21:48:39 CET 2006

At 3:18 PM +0100 2006-01-22, Bastian Friedrich wrote:

>  Do you know how this problem occurs? Should I report this to mailman's
>  bug tracker?

	I have no idea.  You could always file something in the tracker, 
and if it's a known issue or something that is out of the control of 
Mailman, they can provide that information at that time.  I would 
also hope that they would update the FAQ Wizard in this case.

>  Do you have any idea how to fix the problem? I'd be happy to hack a
>  newline in all necessary places - but the box is a little big...

	Editors like emacs, nvi, or vim can usually handle arbitrarily 
large binary files without too much problems.  But there may be 
better ways to resolve this issue.

>  Do you have any knowledge of some "fix-my-mbox-program" that does the
>  job? Can anyone help me with a perl one-liner or sth?

	There are probably some Perl or Python scripts that have been 
hacked together, but I also believe that the "formail" program from 
the "procmail" package would be useful in this case.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
     Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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