[Mailman-Users] Need help setting up a list

Mark Phillips mark at phillipsmarketing.biz
Sun Jan 8 04:46:17 CET 2006

How do I set up a list so it is for announcements only?  The recipients can 
respond to the sender, but I don't want the recipients to be able to send to 
each other. I guess the senders' email address should be in the rely-to 
field, but the cc: field should be blank?

I read through the documentation at 
http://staff.imsa.edu/~ckolar/mailman/mailman-administration-v2.html, but 
since I am brand new at creating and running a list, I am not really sure how 
to make one of my lists announcement only.

Mark Phillips
Phillips Marketing, Inc
mark at phillipsmarketing.biz
602 524-0376
480 945-9197 fax

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