[Mailman-Users] (no subject)

Luke Shannon lukeshannon at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 15 16:05:46 CET 2006


We have a set of mailing list we are currently managing with our own 
application. There are about 90 lists representing 90 vendors. Vendors hold 
events with varying frequency. We give our clients the option to sign up for 
a mailing list(s) informing them of upcoming events.

There is an existing java program which sends outs out the emails 5 days 
before an event.

I would like Mailman to only handle subscribing and unsubscribing of users 
to our 90 lists which are stored in a mySQL DB. The existing program will 
continue send out the mails.

Can this easily be done with Mailman? Will I have to change our database of 
users to a different format?



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