[Mailman-Users] Mailman in a webhotel? I need some guidance in configuring the thing...

Paul Tomblin ptomblin at xcski.com
Sun Dec 10 21:49:50 CET 2006

Quoting Brad Knowles (brad at shub-internet.org):
> At 12:07 PM +0200 12/10/06, Ralf Strandell wrote:
> >  1) Can I install Mailman without root access?
> Not so far as I know.  You could do it at a site where they give you 
> full administrator access to a virtual machine, however.

I've done that.  I originally installed it on my home RedHat Linux
computer.  But as more and more sites started refusing email from dynamic
IPs, I got a virtual private server at linode.com with Debian installed on
it.  That worked very well for mailman, but some of my other things I was
doing on the linode didn't work so well, so now I've got a colocation box,
installed Debian and Xen, and the mailman lists are running nicely there.

Paul Tomblin <ptomblin at xcski.com> http://blog.xcski.com/
"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not
because they are easy, but because they are hard...." - John F Kennedy

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