[Mailman-Users] mangled email addresses

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Sun Dec 10 06:09:45 CET 2006

aaron at mutualaid.org wrote:
>I'm using Mailman 2.1.9. I've been getting reports from list owners of
>lots of unexplained automated unsubscribes. While browsing trough
>/logs/smtp-failure to look for clues, I came across many entries like
>Nov 09 09:31:48 2006 (2293) delivery to someone at email.comhmailto failed
>with code 501: Bad recipient address syntax
>But when I look at the list that this person is subscribed to, they are
>subsribed with the email address someone at email.com - not
>someone at email.comhmailto. So how is this email address getting mangled?

I don't know, but if you have strange addresses, this could be
affecting the recipient list  for the message in some way as you
suggest below.

>When I go to the Membership Management page for the list, there are
>several invalid email addresses on the list (see attached) - could this
>have something to do with it? I tried to unsubscribe the invalid
>addresses, but am unable to do so. Anyway to manually remove these (since
>they contain characters that I can not enter from shell)?

It suggests several methods, some of which do not require entering
addresses in the shell. E.g.,

% bin/list_members -i listname | bin/remove_members -f - listname

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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