[Mailman-Users] A scrubber issue

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Fri Dec 8 23:15:30 CET 2006

Todd Zullinger wrote:
>However, I created a fresh list on my system to see whether this was a
>list configuration issue or not and it's reproduceable using a default
>list setup.  I initially thought it must be some over-agressive
>content filtering, but after having it work on a virgin list I don't
>think that's the case.  There may still be a way to configure the
>content filtering to work around this, but I'm not familiar enough
>with the various possibilities to know that.

It shouldn't be a content filtering issue. If a part is missing a
Content-Type: header, the message methods get_content_type() and
get_content_maintype() which are used by MimeDel.py (content
filtering) return the default types which are text/plain and text
except for subparts of multipart/digest when they are message/rfc822
and message.

>> It seems that a good part of the problem in the above referenced
>> archive is that the scrubbed attachment is not given a clickable
>> link, and in fact the relative path given doesn't even work. I think
>> at least part of this must be specific to this site - perhaps a
>> (intentionally?) bad value for PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL in mm_cfg.py.
>I don't think it's related.  My test list created a proper link to the
>second message part, but it still scrubbed both mime parts.  If I
>added a content-disposition: inline header to the first part, then it
>was similarly scrubbed and a link inserted.  Without that header, the
>part just disappeared completely.

I can't duplicate this. I am trying a multipart/mixed message with two
'no content-type' parts and a third 'Content-Type: text/plain;
charset="us-ascii"' part. The first two parts are (individually)
either scrubbed and replaced with

 An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...
 Name: not available
 Url: http://example.com/pipermail/list1/attachments/...

or left in the message body depending on whether or not they contain a
Content-Disposition: inline header.

>I can send you config_list output for the test list if you like, but
>there weren't any changes made to the config so it should be nothing
>but Mailman default.  I don't know what OS the real gnupg-users list
>runs on, but my test list was created on Fedora Core 6, using the
>packaged mailman rpm there (version 2.1.9).  I don't think there are
>significant deviations from Mailman's source other than the FHS patch
>that they apply.  If you think it's relevant, I can install from
>source and test as well.

Can you just send me the original message that has parts lost?

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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