[Mailman-Users] query re "message has implicit destination"

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Thu Aug 31 00:16:33 CEST 2006

At 8:12 PM +0200 2006-08-30, Bretton Vine wrote:

>  Now when I test the following I /don't/ get the error.
>  TO: list1 at virtualdomain3
>  CC: list2 at virtualdomain3
>  Which brings to mind an obvious possibility, but this being what it is that
>  isn't one that can be entertained. (heads must roll! <chuckles>)

Being that your client is lying to you.  I'd go with that, myself.

You could ask them to send you a verbatim copy of the message as they 
transmitted it to the list, and go back to your logs to make sure. 
I'd be willing to bet that they are either knowingly lying to you in 
order to cover their own asses, or they don't fully understand the 
question that they're being asked so that they are not giving you an 
accurate answer.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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