[Mailman-Users] problem with default domain

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Tue Aug 15 02:43:14 CEST 2006

At 11:54 AM +0200 2006-08-14, Kim Leandersson wrote:

>  We have a server where we host about 70 domains which are administrated
>  via Plesk (http://www.swsoft.com/en/products/plesk/). One of the most
>  popular applications used by the customer is mailman. Plesk uses virtual
>  domains, so every customer gets its own mailman installation and can
>  create lists.

See FAQ 6.15.  Our ability to help support Plesk is going to be 
limited, because they made a number of modifications to Mailman, and 
they haven't shared those with us.  Your first stop for all support 
questions regarding Plesk should be the service provider from whom 
you have rented or bought your systems.  After that, with all 
questions that are related to Plesk and any Plesk-modified tool (such 
as their version of Mailman), your next stop should be their mailing 
lists, FAQs, documentation, etc....

We'll try to help if we can, but there's going to be a limit to what 
we may be able to do for you.

>  My problem is that when the server was being installed someone
>  misspelled the hostname so it was entered as plisk.example.com instead
>  of plesk.example.com. This error are now corrected, but somewhere in the
>  mailman installation the plisk entry exists. The problem with this is
>  that all the monthly password reminders are sent out from
>  mailman-bounces at plisk.example.com and since many mailserver checks if
>  the domain exist before delivery the deny the mail.

If you were running standard Mailman, I would tell you that you need 
to correct your mm_cfg.py file and run fix_url, and that should 
resolve all your problems.

However, I have no idea what the Plesk people may have done to the 
version of Mailman that they ship, and how their GUI-only tools 
integrate into that environment.

My guess is that there is a Plesk-specific way to modify things like 
this (through their administrative interface), and that if you don't 
make these modifications using their officially approved techniques, 
then you will get into a disconnect situation where Plesk thinks the 
machine's name is one thing and Mailman thinks something else, and 
the end result is far worse than you have today.

Good luck with this issue.  Please let us know what you ended up having to do.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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