[Mailman-Users] Changing the from header

Jeremy Leonard Lists at elite4god.com
Wed Sep 28 15:13:28 CEST 2005

We just changed from Majordomo to Mailman.

We use listserv for email announcements to members.

We need to be able to send messages from specific users.

We used to change the from header when we accepted messages in moderated 

Is there a way to do this with Mailman?


Joe the CEO wants a message to go to all the members of our 
organization. His secretary creates the message and sends it to the 
list. She is also the moderator of the list. In Majordomo she would 
reply to the moderate email with the moderator password in the header 
and change the From: header to the Joe CEO of company.

Is there a way to do a similar thing with Mailman?

Setting the from address to the Listserv name isn't an option.


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