[Mailman-Users] [Was]Mailman under Apple -- prob

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Tue Nov 8 05:48:39 CET 2005

Marco wrote:
>sorry for this new post, but now i can specify better the prob if this 
>can help you. My problem is generated by two *different* server; the 
>first work as web server, ftp server ecc, the second as mail server cvs 
>server ecc.
>Now i'll found a good and fast solution as to do my mail server spoke 
>with webserver to view correctly the admin page of mailman ecc. The 
>tuorial of Mailman showing this aspect, but it's a bit confuse for me..

I'm not sure what mailman documentation you're looking at, but the web
server that serves the Mailman pages must either be on the mailman
host machine or it must otherwise have access to the file system that
Mailman is installed on. It doesn't seem that your congiguration meets
this requirement.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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