[Mailman-Users] Preinstalled subject

Don dtownhome at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 7 06:38:28 CET 2005

Hi everyone;

Perhaps this issue might actually be somewhat more a html question more 
than mailman issue. Since mailman allows topics to be used, it makes 
sense to me that it fits here though.  

Id like to have someone click a link to send an email (that has a 
specific topic) and have the email program insert the subject directly 
into the subject line of the email as it also inserts the "send to" email 
address for that list.

I'm sure there must be a way to do that directly through the html?  If it 
works, it will stop a LOT of frustrations about subject line spelling 

What would the syntax be?

As a related item, does the subject line get checked (counted by the 
software) when topics check mail content to decide which subscribers get 
a given 'topics enabled' mail?


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