[Mailman-Users] Single List not Working

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Fri Jul 29 18:56:32 CEST 2005

Shane Harsch wrote:
>There is a config.pck.corrupt file in there, as well as a digest.mbox 
>that has the test messages I was sending. I removed those and sent 
>another message. It created another digest.mbox with the message.

So the post is getting as far as ToDigest which is pretty far along in
the pipeline.

>But now there is an error in the error log saying the config file is 
>corrupt. It's then using config.pck.last, which is probably corrupt as 
>well. I then send another message to the list and that one goes straight 
>to the digest.mbox without any log entry.

Here's what I'd do:

run 'bin/dumpdb config.pck* >unique_file' on all the list's config.pck*

diff the various results to see if they are actually different.

See if the list has a 'pipline' attribute which might be missing
ToOutgoing - this is a long shot, but it would explain it.

compare the dumpdb output with that from a working list and see if you
can identify anything unusual that might be a problem.

Try using bin/withlist to fix anything you find that looks wrong.

If that doesn't work, continue with -

Based on the above diff results, pick the best of the config.pck* files
and make that config.pck

run 'bin/config_list -o file' and various option configurations of
'bin/list_members -o file'.

Delete the list, recreate it and configure it with 'bin/config_list -i
file' using the above output and add the regular and digest members
using bin/add_members and the above output.

Consider using bin/withlist to restore user passwords and user options
from the dumpdb output.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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