[Mailman-Users] pipermail

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Tue Jul 12 11:07:47 CEST 2005

At 10:10 AM +0200 2005-07-12, Jean-Philippe GIOLA wrote:

>  Is it possible to use pipermail as public or private external archiver ?
>  If it is, how ?

	The current version of Pipermail is fully integrated into 
Mailman.  You can't use it as an external archiver, because it is the 
de-facto standard internal archiver.

	If you wish to use Pipermail with a different MLM system, that's 
a different matter.  I think it would be very hard to separate the 
Pipermail stuff from Mailman, although there is probably an older 
version of Pipermail (pre-integration) which you could use if you 

	If you're looking at external archiving systems, mhonarc is 
usually considered pretty good stuff.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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