[Mailman-Users] use of Python strings in template files

Christopher Adams chris.a.adams at state.or.us
Tue Jan 25 22:06:33 CET 2005

I have posted this question to the list before, but have never resolved it.

I am looking at the files in the  template directory, specifically 
newlist.txt and verify.txt. The newlist file is the information sent to 
list owners when the list is set up. The verify  file is the information 
sent to confirm an email address when a person subscribes to a list that 
requires confirmation.

I want to make some changes to this information, which affects all 
lists. I can make some changes, but some don't seem to work. The most 
significant is the Python strings that parse information into links, 
specifically %(listinfo_url)s  and %(emailaddr)s . If I insert 
%(emailaddr)s into the newlist.txt file, when I generate a new list, 
the  exact text %(emailaddr)s shows in the message and it doesn't render 
it as newlist at wherever.com. If I insert  into the verify.txt file, I get 
the same result. My confusion comes in when I see that these strings are 
used successfully in other template files.

What gives? Is there something contextual about the use of these strings 
that makes them unuseable in other templates?

Christopher Adams

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