[Mailman-Users] unknown mailer error 1041

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Mon Jan 17 19:03:55 CET 2005

At 3:56 PM +0000 2005-01-17, John Poltorak wrote:

>  There is nothing in logs at all.

	That's very weird.  There should definitely be something in the logs.

>  Is it possible to run something at the command line to be able to get
>  closer to what is going on? ie something like:-
>  cat email_file | /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman subscribe mm_test

	I haven't tried it, but ultimately this is basically what the MTA 
does when passing a message off to Mailman, so this might work.  You 
might need to get your environment set up correctly before this will 
work, however.

>  I'm not sure what 'subscribe' refers to here... Is it a python script? If
>  so can I add some debug option so that it tells me what is going?

	You should see stuff in /usr/local/mailman/scripts that 
correspond to the various commands that can be passed to the 
"mailman" program as part of the aliases.

	Looking at /usr/local/mailman/scripts/subscribe on one of my 
machines, this is definitely Python.

	So far as I know, there are no additional debug options that you 
can give to Mailman or any of the Mailman-related scripts or tools 
(they already provide as much debugging information as they can via 
the logs).  However, you could put in the Python equivalent of some 
"printf()" commands so as to add your own debugging output.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
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     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
     Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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